Warning!!! Big fun ahead...
QScheme is distributed under the GNU General Public Licence
This is the distribution licence and copyright for QScheme. I know, it's a little boring, but it's a matter of protecting our work from possible predators: QScheme is a fast implementation of the Scheme language. Copyright (C) 1998-2000 Daniel Crettol
qscheme-0.5.1.tar.gz - (Jun 23 2000, 511.2Kb) This version requires the following libraries: If you want to try the libglade bindings, you may need the latest version of libglade libglade-0.12. See the news for a short resume of new features.
QScheme now supports the autoconf/automake GNU standards. To compile QScheme, just type: tar xvzf qscheme-0.5.1.tar.gz cd qscheme-0.5.1 ./configure make After that you should be able to run the scheme interpreter by just typing: qscheme If you want to try the GTk bindings, goto the directory sgtk and type for example: sgtk -i hello.scm (hello)
If you have previous version of QScheme (version 0.5.0), you may want to apply the following patch instead of downloading the whole distribution. diff-0.5.0-0.5.1.gz - (Jun 23 2000, 7.8Kb) To apply the patch, proceed as follow: cp -a qscheme-$previous qscheme-$version cd qscheme-$version make clean gzip -d < ../diff-$previous-$version.gz | patch -p1 After that, just configure && make to build the new version.
This is the developpment snapshot of QScheme. It's more or less a daily based distribution. This time it's not maintained up to date. Beware that this may be highly unstable. I generaly will left only snapshots that have a chance to compile, but I give no warranty. If you are adventurous, you can donwload the current development snapshot - (Apr 25 2000, 496.5Kb). You can also view the current CHANGES file - (Jun 23 2000, 30.4Kb).
To compile QScheme you also may need the following files:
You can also access all this files directly to the archive directory.
Development tools provided by: To devellop QScheme, I use this extra tools: Interesting scheme implementations: Reference site for Scheme:
qscheme-0.5.0.tar.gz -
(Jun 14 2000, 509.2Kb) Patches: |
D. Crettol dan@sof.ch | Modifie le 23/06/2000 01:10:32. |